Why “Agile” for Software Developing and Project Management

“Agile in PM” means gathering requirements and developing solutions by practicing a collaborative effort of self and cross-functional teams as well as the customers or users of the particular product or process. Then how it would be threaded to the Software Development and Project Management, since most of the Novel Approaches in software development are practicing the Agile.

How it values Significantly than traditional practices,

Agility values have been proved to be more accurate than traditional methods and practices in experimental researches, according to Scott Ambler who is a Canadian software engineer and famous author in related fields .

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Where the left side is more effective than the right side ❤😊

Process and tools are important for the process but more than that there’s a value in interactions. Comprehensive documentation is an essential for the developing progress but, working software is the initial goal. Negotiations may lead for reducing the struggles but collaboration means a lot than it. Plan must be there but responding changes protect the stability of your brand.

Is it beneficial in moving for Agility , Yes but It Is Up To You 😊Then here are some points in Agile Benefits,

Increasing Product Quality, High Customer Satisfaction, Increase Control, Early Developments and reduce risk, Higher ROI




Undergraduate in Information Technology, Faculty of IT, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lnaka